December 30, 2017
We have one father and three young thoms hiertage Spanish black turkeys that stand guard all night no matter the weather and it’s funny how they choose the west side or east and they all stand together....
December 23, 2017
Our fowl looks forward ever morning to free ranging our organic omega three rich pastures then they roast at night in the barn or on the paddocks like our hiertage Spanish black turkeys....
December 22, 2017
The turkeys are raiding the herb gardens...
December 15, 2017
All the farm animals are happy and enjoying the sunshiny day , the mornings have been pretty cold so the sun feels really good....
December 13, 2017
Daddy turkey is getting some late sun getting ready for a winter night, and the juveniles are busy playing before it’s tome for bed. The Spanish black turkeys are known to be the first turkeys and the breed is over 500 years old....