February 10, 2018
My second cousin in South Carolina who also has a farm sent us some wonderful jams.
We have never had the pleasure to meet Trixi or her family , but hope to in the near future. Thank you so much Trixi....
February 10, 2018
They have been beating up everybody on the farm so they are locked up for a few days ....
February 10, 2018
The farm sunrise is beautiful today....
February 8, 2018
Sams and my old groomer for at least 12 years fired us . We had to seek out a new groomer we found Colleen and Sam hugged and begged me not to leave him I was so sad I had to get a donut and much to my surprise he punched his new groomer like he dose me with glee. He is so beautiful and we are happy...
February 8, 2018
She will hunt and work the farm until the day she passes. We have tried locking her in the back yard and sneaking out while she sleeps and she will not have that. As she barks with her scratchy voice. I even had to chase her and get her back home when we had the coyote in the farm....