February 11, 2018
We got 8 quarts of the carcass soup base, and 15 quarts of foot and bone stock.
We made the mistake of taking a break and going to ohjah steak house for a late lunch now I am lazy. I think I’ll do the prep work for the turkey leg soup and turkey pot pie and finish them up in the morning....
February 11, 2018
We are making neck bone and foot stock, as well as turkey soup pastured turkey leg soup, and turkey pot pie. We will freeze them for later. The pastured turkey legs are Mohagany brown and tend to be a little tough being that the turkeys run free so using them for a separate soup we can cook them...
February 11, 2018
We have a big day planned on the farm so we thought better eat some breakfast.we enjoyed our organic pastured eggs....
February 10, 2018
This is kinda funny our great fried George asked how could a turkey killed by a coyote be any good. Well coyotes are swift killers and it ambushed our birds while they roosted on our corral panels and it got the turkey by the neck so the body was fine and coyotes are swift killers .Well we just...
February 10, 2018
My second cousin in South Carolina who also has a farm sent us some wonderful jams.
We have never had the pleasure to meet Trixi or her family , but hope to in the near future. Thank you so much Trixi....