February 23, 2018
The hens are so funny they have at least 40 nesting boxes in the barn but some of prefer to hide thier eggs. The plastic I just pulled off the garden beds and it’s been to windy to fold up until this morning and what do I find a hen laying her egg....
February 22, 2018
It’s funny as I love to cook and I go on marathon preserving days . We are born and raised Californians and fresh food was all we wanted , well growing your own food and trying to preserve is a whole other thing.we never used canned goods and it took me years to do it but the simple fact is produce...
February 20, 2018
We let them off restriction today, and boy were they happy but they have a private condo and paddock at night for thier safety and so they do not feel the need to beat up the rest of the farm flock. They are pretty funny as they are the last in at night and we march them through the farm to safety...
February 20, 2018
Sam, Vanessa, and Victoria are all watching the farm from the windows. Sam is doing much better today....
February 20, 2018
We are making pesto chicken minestrone soup with our left over chicken from last night,our turkey stock and using our farm kale ,along with a slow cooker full of chicken carcass soup to freeze.
It is so cold on the farm we are doing the minumum outside and spending the day doing my favorite...