Seasonal Produce

"Welcome to Our Farm"

Welcome to our desert oasis. Located 60 miles West of Las Vegas, between Las Vegas and Death Valley. Our goal is to strive to become as self sustainable as possible and being good stewards of our land and animals.
The main goal and focus is in raising animals humanely and providing them the best possible environment in which to grow. This environment must include full access to grass pastures.  Our beliefs is what guided us on our path to becoming the only “animal  welfare approved” farm for our fresh pastured organic eggs, chickens, and geese.
All farm activities are performed with organic and or bio-dynamic growing methods and principles.

Farm dinner tonight

We had to laugh as I love the purple potatoes I got a little excited and ordered 20 pounds and I am determened to use them all. We are having Korean short ribs, with purple oven french frys ( a rare request from Michael) and some of our farm winter greens....
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On the menu

We had a ice burg wedge with house made blue cheese dressing along with our farm fresh hiertage turkey soup with our farm hierloom tomatoes and farm cured bacon we are trying to be heart smart by adding mung beans or Farro. We do lack beans and legumes from our menu but we are working on that....
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Dinner is done

We used organic purple cabbage and organic purple potatoes they almost look black but they are packed full of antioxidants, the corn beef is the best we have ever had , and the mixed colored carrots made for a fine Saint Patrick day meal....
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Winter gardens

We have a good start for our gardens. It’s kindda like a double edge sword in the high desert we are at 2695 eleavation and our farm is in the north end of our valley so we get cold even freezes but it also zooms from winter to heat very little spring. We have to plant early and protect the...
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Hierloom seedlings are growing

We planted twenty different varieties of hierloom tomatoes lots of black tomatoes dark galaxy,black vernissage, large bared boar,Tim’s black ruffle, black prince, Japanese black triffle, chocolate stripes, some others such as San Marzano. We also planted six different hot and sweet peppers orange...
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