Monthly Archives:

April 2018

"Welcome to Our Farm"

Welcome to our desert oasis. Located 60 miles West of Las Vegas, between Las Vegas and Death Valley. Our goal is to strive to become as self sustainable as possible and being good stewards of our land and animals.
The main goal and focus is in raising animals humanely and providing them the best possible environment in which to grow. This environment must include full access to grass pastures.  Our beliefs is what guided us on our path to becoming the only “animal  welfare approved” farm for our fresh pastured organic eggs, chickens, and geese.
All farm activities are performed with organic and or bio-dynamic growing methods and principles.

Dinner tonight

We grilled hamburgers and corn and onions along with our local french o happy bread buns let’s just say all those gourmet hamburger joints need a leason ,Use farm fresh food and local bakery bread, you guys are nothing without those basics ....
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The heat is on

It’s been pretty hot here on the farm the temps have been in the 80’s but what makes it hot for us in this dry desert is humidity at one point 67 percent and we just are not used to it. Our gardens are enjoying it though....
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From Vineyards o table grapes

The vines are all in different stages with the table grapes growing rapidly with the Chardonnay vines next and the Cabernet and Zinfandel the last. We just love the vineyards it’s all the leaves on until the fruit starts to ripen then we have to put bird netting on....
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King tut peas

Our Brussel sprouts , broccoli , cauliflower , beans,beats ,carrots ,radishes, and cabbage are all growing well....
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Crimson clover chicken grass

Part of our omega three rich chicken grass pasture has this crimson clover and chickens love it....
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