Monthly Archives:

September 2017

"Welcome to Our Farm"

Welcome to our desert oasis. Located 60 miles West of Las Vegas, between Las Vegas and Death Valley. Our goal is to strive to become as self sustainable as possible and being good stewards of our land and animals.
The main goal and focus is in raising animals humanely and providing them the best possible environment in which to grow. This environment must include full access to grass pastures.  Our beliefs is what guided us on our path to becoming the only “animal  welfare approved” farm for our fresh pastured organic eggs, chickens, and geese.
All farm activities are performed with organic and or bio-dynamic growing methods and principles.

Heading out of the barn

It is so funny we lock all the critters up in the barn every night to keep them safe and every morning as we feed them we open the barn to let them roam free. As the geese pass our window and we admire their beauty we laugh as they always make sure to stop and hiss at us....
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Farm afternoon clouds

We just love our clouds in our skies...
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Farmers love animals

We have been working on our parents rentals and I made friends with a poor little outside heeled dog who would bark at me all the time I would get on my hands and knees and talk to her in 110 plus heat poor puppy .we are putting a fence up and I told Mike I feel bad for the puppy blocking her view....
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Our desert moon setting

There is one beautiful thing that stands out in our desert. We have the most amazing sunsets and sunrises and our full moon views....
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Tweety birds

I often wonder what the life span of the wild birds on our is. They live in the barn with fans and mist systems and then we have hundreds of trees for them with all the water and organic feed they need....
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