August 14, 2017
So many shapes and sizes and different colors and they all have distinctly different taste . We had a steak and side of fresh sliced hierloom farm tomatoes for dinner and we both stopped eating the steak to admire such flavor the tomato had....
August 14, 2017
We love to watch this old man as he is so demanding and he is getting pretty old he is now in his teens and is one of our first pigs . We love his white tail....
August 14, 2017
The brix are at 23 we will keep close track we need to harvest between 24 and 27 ....
August 14, 2017
The Spanish black turkeys are hanging out in the Vineyards and soon we will be taking the bird netting off to harvest the zinfandel grapes....
August 12, 2017
Our red wattle boar killed this baby rattle snake . It's a big reminder to everyone be aware there are snakes good and bad in our desert....