April 9, 2016
So exciting on the farm this year we decided on planting only the purple sweet potatoes funny I would not call me a girly girl but my gardens trend towards reds and purples . We have planted every kind of sweet potatoes you can think of this year we did my Chef friend Patti at herringbone in the...
April 9, 2016
They are nesting all over the farm we are trying to just let one turkey hatch chicks and that's the one in the pig pasture with an old Rhode Island Red hen helping...
April 9, 2016
It's really nice to use our farm made compost and to build our garden beds these beds will be used for our hierloom tomatoes, egg plant and peppers. The other bed is our root crops carrots, beats, and radishes...
April 9, 2016
I often amuse myself as I am stressing out to stake and worry is it to cold or windy to put my babies outside, as I carefully stake our plants using chop sticks and bamboo stakes. Then I come in turn on the news and see what a wreck our world is and I am worrying about my veggtable plants I have to...