December 5, 2015
We give our animals multiple choices on where to forage and roost these are our meat chickens they have a inside box stall with warming lamp they can go into also this sand horse paddock as well as pasture grass it makes for the most delicious meat . We feed organic grass seeds and crumble our...
December 5, 2015
This is the front lawn of our farm and the fowl are free to pasture on our lawns and also our organic chicken pastures out back. We have our egg laying hens as well as our Spanish black turkeys...
December 5, 2015
We have a breeding pair of these geese and they run the farm I kept hearing knocking at the front door and when I checked it out this what I found...
December 5, 2015
We grow the best bio dynamic and organic winter greens. We have to cover the rows with cotton sheets to keep them from freezing . We never knew how flavorful salad greens were until we started growing our own
December 5, 2015
This is our breeding family of turkeys we let them run and fly free over the farm they sleep inside one of our horse barns to be safe from preditors . I was caring out some pots to fill with our home made compost as we are going to try and grow our organic potatoes in our green house over winter...