November 16, 2015
Lewis is our first red wattle boar who is retired now and living with our retired brood mare and burro he is enjoying the sunshine on this cold windy day...
November 14, 2015
Our sabastapol geese are out on the lawn with our Spanish black turkeys when given access to pastures the fowl really enjoy eating them...
November 14, 2015
In the winter we use these cotton sheets to cover our crops from frost anytime our temputures are 40 or less overnight low we cover our crops so they do not suffer frost damage and then uncover as soon as it hits forty degrees in the mornings, it's a lot of work but so worth it to get all these...
November 10, 2015
Funny it's sprinkling and the turkeys are like can we come in the house...
November 10, 2015
We rarely get snow but our surrounding mountains get snow often makes beautiful views...