Daily Archives:

November 9, 2015

"Welcome to Our Farm"

Welcome to our desert oasis. Located 60 miles West of Las Vegas, between Las Vegas and Death Valley. Our goal is to strive to become as self sustainable as possible and being good stewards of our land and animals.
The main goal and focus is in raising animals humanely and providing them the best possible environment in which to grow. This environment must include full access to grass pastures.  Our beliefs is what guided us on our path to becoming the only “animal  welfare approved” farm for our fresh pastured organic eggs, chickens, and geese.
All farm activities are performed with organic and or bio-dynamic growing methods and principles.

Ghost peppers

We saved our ghost pepper plant from the frost and hung the whole plant upside in the cluttered green house to ripen the fruit and it's working...
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New garden beds

We have had the luxury of using cover crops on these beds for three years now we have them ready for gardens now all 120 feet of them. It really helps us with our strict crop ratations and cover cropping...
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Becoming AWA approved

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love animals that's why we decided to raise our own food it's not profitable at all and it is really hard work when doing our research and studying farming it helped us understand the importance. I was the kid who  begged to go to the fair to visit all the...
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