September 15, 2015
Two for us four for our dogs I have to laugh as my old great veteranarians retired and Chuck and I had to see our new vet we started off asking me what Chucks diet was as I explained he gets a bowl of fresh A2 jersey milk to fresh farm eggs organic pork, chicken and always full bowls of taste of the...
September 14, 2015
This is a okra blossom they are in the family of hibiscus...
September 14, 2015
We found another hatchlings of turkey chicks this morning the first group had 8 chicks and all are doing well at about a week old and the new hatching has five chicks it's so nice to see them running free foraging in the organic pastures we have unfortunately ther is a high mortality when they are...
September 13, 2015
He is looking very stoic , his vet game him may be two weeks and we are on week five and doing very well...
September 13, 2015
From apples, grapes , dahlias , peppers tomatoes, okra ,French sorrel , parsley another beautiful day and harvest here on the farm...