September 15, 2015
Making some good old Mac and cheese topped with farm fresh heirloom tomatoes...
September 15, 2015
This is my brother Rob and his son Kallen they have always hunted and they eat what they kill and when we first moved to Pahrump Kallen looked at me and said Auntie Mikie you are so lucky you can hunt rabbit, quail, and dove and make your own food and he also told me as we ran through the desert...
September 15, 2015
Yeah we are getting some rain it's a welcome site here in the desert we are happy to have it as it settles all the desert dust cleans off our roofs...
September 15, 2015
Two for us four for our dogs I have to laugh as my old great veteranarians retired and Chuck and I had to see our new vet we started off asking me what Chucks diet was as I explained he gets a bowl of fresh A2 jersey milk to fresh farm eggs organic pork, chicken and always full bowls of taste of the...